Suck it up Princess!


Take it like a man…Roll with the punches…No pain, no gain…Win some, lose some…

Trite sayings, yes.  But what can we learn from them?  Are there life lessons in these quips that are as old as dirt?

As I survey the various aspects of my life – teaching middle school, running and fitness, family, children, extra-curricular activities, church – it occurs to me that these sayings have a common thread – responsibility and acceptance.  Somewhere along the road of life, I have learned to be responsible for myself and I am trying to instill that sense of responsibility in my own children.  The phrase “Suck it up Princess” became a mantra for me during the last half-marathon that I ran.  Sure, it hurts a little now, but crossing the finish line with the knowledge that you ran as hard as you can is immensely fulfilling.

Many tidbits and lesson I learned while running have spilled over into other areas of life – job and family.

So when I get frustrated with teaching – I remember to ask myself – Am I running as hard as I can?  Can I run just a little harder?  Am I giving 110% physically and mentally?  I am responsible only for me. So if something fails, I have to reflect about my actions and seek to change only those things for which I am directly responsible.

Acceptance – Good and bad exists together.


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