Empower Me


I keep a collection of inspiring and sometimes funny posts from Facebook, Runner’s World, etc. Stuff like “When in doubt, run it out”, “Believe in the run” and (one of my favorites) “If you see me collapse, pause my Garmin.” Why do I keep these? Maybe to recite them on a long run when I’m having a particularly difficult time and need self-motivation. Maybe to repeat them to others to (hopefully) inspire them. Maybe I wish I could have thought of them myself to inspire the masses. Maybe to give me reassurance that others (anonymous, unknown people) have experienced the same things I am experiencing. I really don’t know why. They always sound really good at the time. These quotes and quips sound like power and motivation. Which leads me to wonder, from where do I get motivation? Words, friends, husband, self? One single source of motivation cannot get you through the hours and miles of training for a full marathon. No doubt, it takes many sources. Sometimes, I have relied on the company of friends, like the time Ra ran with me for the first 10 miles of a 20 mile training run. Sometimes it’s my husband who rode his bike to pace me and advise me on changes to my running form: posture, stride, kick, push-off. Sometimes, the only company you have on a long run is your subconscious, which can be a double-edged sword. It can defeat you into shortening your run: “Just do 10k and go home.” It can cast doubt on your strength: “Don’t make your knees/ hips hurt like last time.” “You may not recover from this.” It can weaken you: “So & so is sooo much faster then you.” Or your subconscious can lift you up: “I can do this.” It can encourage you: “I have strength.” Your subconscious and memory can use those weird quips to inspire you. And it can empower you. You have a choice and full control over your subconscious. That voice can empower you or defeat you. That voice is either negative or postivie. The optimum word is choice. You choose. Today I choose strength. I choose positive. I defeat negativity. I empower myself with inspiring words, supportive friends, encouraging family, and, most of all, a positive attitude. This direction MUST be a conscious choice every day because it’s too easy to fall into negativity. Then you’ve given your power away. Seize it back. Arm yourself with your most valuable weapon – your ability to empower yourself.

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